Life in the village of Whitsome, Scottish Borders

Ark News

50 Club final draw 14 March

The final draw of our 50 Club lottery’s 2022-23 season took place during the Scones & Coffee morning on Tuesday 14 March.  The prizewinners were: 1st prize – Neal Clark; second prize – Kathryn Korol; 3rd prize – Ray Davidson.

The 50 Club attracted £1,582 in subscriptions this season.  After deducting £20 for the statutory Gaming Licence, a sum of £1,562 was available for distribution: the rule is that not less that half of this should go towards the running of the Hall.  This year we handed out prizes totalling £780 and allocated £782 to the Hall.

Arrangements for the 2023-24 season will be announced around late April/early May, with subscriptions being invited in cash, cheque, or online.  A small increase in ticket price will be implemented – the first in several years – with each ticket now  costing £15.  Details will be published on the Hall notice board and the Hall website.